Wednesday 14 December 2011

Finished my Report!

Finally finished my report earlier today, I try not to compare mine to others but its difficult not to when you see what others have done. I hear others comparing how many references that have and that, I guess in a small way there is a bit of competition but I'm not gonna dragged into it, I just concentrated on my own. (Besides knowing I had more, but purely because I added them where I felt I needed them).

I printed it off and handed it in this morning, as well running off a PDF version and giving that in as well. I feel I've good on this project, and while I have my worries when I want to and try to keep updating and revising it, I guess I'm happy with what I've handed in at least.

Above is a view of the start of my report. I am looking forward to getting into the second part of the assignment!

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